Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Ice Cream

Korean text:
나는 비명질러.
너는 비명질러.
모두는 비명지르려고 아이스크림을 받아.

Intended translation:
I scream.
You scream.
We all scream for ice cream.

Okay, so I realize it's not as catchy in Korean. I struggled a bit on the pronoun choice here, eventually settling on the informal '나' and '너' pronouns for I/you and '모두' (everyone) instead of '우리' for "we all". The last sentence is also crazy because of the "for..." part. I looked up prepositions for a while ("을위한" seemed like one possibility), but this seemed like a good opportunity to use a conjunctive form of the 비명지르다 verb, so I tried to do that (with ice cream as the direct object for the "to receive" verb in the second clause.

...what on Earth am I doing?

Edit: Google is currently translating my last sentence as "Ice cream is going to take all the screaming," which isn't quite correct. Google's suggestion for "receive ice cream" is "아이스크림을받을 수". Perhaps "모두는 아이스크림을 비명질러 받아" works? Or "모두는 아이스크림을 비명질러 받을 거야"?

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