Sunday, 12 February 2012

An Introduction

Dear family, friends, and internet strangers,

My name is Matt and I want to learn Korean.

I've wanted to know Korean for most of my life, if for no better reason than the fact that it would allow me to speak to half of my family, but I've only recently developed enough motivation to really want to learn the language. Unfortunately, learning languages is something that most people usually only do when they're really young and not, say, when they're over twenty years old and busy studying math and programming all day.

However, the point of this blog is not to dwell on the difficulties of language learning. Instead, my goal is to post any interesting Korean words, phrases, sentences, and other language-y type things that I can think up. Hopefully this will give me some motivation to keep learning (besides that whole talking to family thing) while giving people who do speak Korean something to laugh/grimace about. If you speak Korean, then please feel free to inform me about any mistakes I make on this website (once you finish laughing/grimacing) by posting a comment.

Okay, cool. That seems like a decent enough introduction. Now for the actual content of this post: the Korean text in the lead image of this post reads "매튜는 한국을 배워." This is intended to mean "Matthew learns Korean." This is pretty much the first Korean sentence I've actually tried to construct, so I'm not too sure about the 는 and 을 particles or the tense of the 배우다 verb, but they seemed like reasonable guesses.

안녕히 겨세요,


  1. Good one Matt. 잘 했어요! One thing though, 한국을 배워요 means you are learning about Korea not Korean. It should be 한국어를 배워요 or 한국말을 배워요.
    이거 아주 좋은 방법이네....

    사랑하는 엄마가

  2. another thing, the spelling of good bye isn't quite correct. I am writing this using the computer at the bank so I cannot write in Korean.

    I am still on crutches....

    Love mom
